Happy New Year from the Rabbit Hash Historical Society! Hope everyone is staying warm and dry in the Center of the Universe.
We’re taking advantage of the cold and dark winter months to plan for the coming year. Some long time board members have exited the ranks and new (to the board, but familiar around town) faces have replaced them. We’ve also been navigating the bureaucratic waters of the rest of the universe. (Unfortunately despite being the center of it doesn’t mean we’re exempt from it.) It may be our goal to make it feel like it is still 1831 in downtown Rabbit Hash but this world existing 183 years in the future has a lot of rules we have to follow…
Putting all of those old matters aside, we think it is time to move forward and are planning some important things for this coming year:
First, there’s a vital support beam in the Rabbit Hash General Store that needs to be replaced. This will be a big job carried out by our resident log master, Mr. Sawyer. In order to make this huge maintenance project possible, we’ll be having a fundraiser so keep your eyes peeled on details as they are worked out.
Also, come spring time, our lovely faces are going to have to be peeled off of the General Store and Iron Works and replaced with paint. Stay tuned for more information there as we get a plan in place. Suggestions, donations, and volunteers will of course be accepted and greatly appreciated.
We’re working on strengthening ties with our estranged sister across the river, Rising Sun, Indiana. It is her bicentennial year (she’s older!) and the folks of Rising Sun are planning some exciting events such as another boat regatta, a seaplane festival, a huge fireworks display, and who knows what else. They like to celebrate… and so do we so we’re working on ways to celebrate with them.
An ongoing project we have is the cataloguing, preservation, and organization of our artifacts significant to the history of the town. We’ve been working closely with the Boone County Library on digitizing our collection for accessibility (I’m sure you’ve seen photos from the excellent catalogue at the Kenton County library circulating online) and are working on plans and grants to make our museum a better environment for the storage and display of these treasured pieces of Rabbit Hash history.
And, lastly, this is a big year for the Rabbit Hash media machine: the 10 year anniversary of the release of the documentary film Rabbit Hash: The Center of the Universe. Some fun stuff is in the works there and we can’t wait to really get full-fledged planning going on that celebration!
So, that’s the word and our major goals and projects for the coming year!
See you ’round the Hash,
P.S. Vote for us as Best of Cincinnati 2014!